I am a third-year Ph.D. candidate at Illinois Institute of Technology advised by Dr. Kai Shu. I obtained my M.S. degree in computer science from University of Oregon in 2021 (advised by Dr. Thien Nguyen), and my B.S. degree in computer science from Purdue University in 2019 working with Dr. Yung-Hsiang Lu.

I am actively seeking industry research internship for Summer 2025.

💡 Research

My research involves building trustworthy AI systems, with a specific emphasis on enhancing both robustness and interpretability. I am broadly interested in fundamental research and interdisciplinary collaborations motivated by important applications, including detecting misinformation and analyzing social network.

🔥 News

  • 2024.08:  🎉🎉 Our Fin-Fact dataset has been used for shared task for FinNLP@COLING2025.
  • 2024.07:  🎉🎉 One paper has been accepted by CIKM 2024.
  • 2024.05:  🎉🎉 One paper has been accepted by ICML 2024.
  • 2024.02:  🎉🎉 Passed Ph.D. Qualifying Exam.

📝 Publications

CIKM 2024

Trojan Activation Attack: Red-Teaming Large Language Models using Steering Vectors for Safety-Alignment

Haoran Wang, Kai Shu

Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management 2024


ICML 2024

TrustLLM: Trustworthiness in Large Language Models

Lichao Sun*, Yue Huang*, Haoran Wang*, Siyuan Wu*, Qihui Zhang*, Chujie Gao*, Yixin Huang*, Wenhan Lyu*, Yixuan Zhang*, Xiner Li*, Zhengliang Liu*, Yixin Liu*, Yijue Wang*, Zhikun Zhang*, Bhavya Kailkhura, Caiming Xiong, et al. (*: major contribution).

Proceedings of The Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning

GitHub    Website    Downloads

WWW 2023

Attacking Fake News Detectors via Manipulating News Social Engagement

Haoran Wang, Yingtong Dou, Canyu Chen, Lichao Sun, Philip S. Yu, Kai Shu

Proceedings of ACM Web Conference 2023

GitHub    Video    Blog from Montreal AI Ethics Institute

📝 Preprints

📖 Educations

  • 2022 - Now, Ph.D., Computer Science. Illinois Institute of Technology.
  • 2021, M.S., Computer Science. University of Oregon.
  • 2019, B.S., Computer Science. Purdue University.

Academic Service

  • Program Committee (PC): KDD{2024, 2025}, AAAI{2024, 2025}
  • Reviewer: SIGIR{2023, 2024}, WWW{2023, 2024}, TKDE{2023}, NIPS{2023, 2024}, ACL{2023, 2024}, ICDM{2023, 2024}, IJCAI{2023, 2024}, PAKDD2024
  • Volunteer: ACM FAccT{2023}

Last updated on Sep 23, 2024.